Pristash Megan Pristash

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Hi, my name is Megan and I am native English speaker from Brisbane, Australia. I have a Bachelor's Degree and I have been teaching English for the last 5 years. I have many years experience working within large companies, and therefore my specialty is Business English. I will help you to be more professional and to feel confident when you have that next important business meeting, presentation or job interview. My goal as your teacher is to give you more confidence in your everyday conversational English!

Hi, my name is Megan and I am native English speaker from Brisbane, Australia. I have a Bachelor's Degree and I have been teaching English for the last 5 years. I have many years experience working within large companies, and therefore my specialty is Business English. I will help you to be more professional and to feel confident when you have that next important business meeting, presentation or job interview. My goal as your teacher is to give you more confidence in your everyday conversational English!



Szolgáltatási terület és elérhetőségek

  • Terület

    1013, Budapest

  • Telefon

    +36 20 373 ** ** Tovább

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Mi várható ezután?

Kérj árajánlatot ettől a szakembertől! Ez ingyenes, megbízási kötelezettség nélkül.

  • 1. Írd meg mit kell a szakembernek csinálnia
  • 2. Kapj ingyenes ajánlatot (árat, határidőt, munkavégzési feltételeket)
  • 3. Bízd meg őt, amennyiben megfelelőek a feltételek