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I have a experience in teaching for 1 year. My task was to look after kid and teach them in good manner. I had to take their PT (physical training) class. I have a experience in Receptionist for 1 year. It was a private company of advertising office. I have a experience in Beauty therapist. I have done special training in manicure, pedicure and facial.

I have a experience in teaching for 1 year. My task was to look after kid and teach them in good manner. I had to take their PT (physical training) class.

I have a experience in Receptionist for 1 year. It was a private company of advertising office.

I have a experience in Beauty therapist. I have done special training in manicure, pedicure and facial.



Szolgáltatási terület és elérhetőségek

  • Terület

    1013, Budapest

  • Telefon

    +36 20 497 ** ** Tovább

  • Weboldal

    Nem elérhető

Mi várható ezután?

Kérj árajánlatot ettől a szakembertől! Ez ingyenes, megbízási kötelezettség nélkül.

  • 1. Írd meg mit kell a szakembernek csinálnia
  • 2. Kapj ingyenes ajánlatot (árat, határidőt, munkavégzési feltételeket)
  • 3. Bízd meg őt, amennyiben megfelelőek a feltételek